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Source code for mclearn.classifier

""" Some general standard classifier routines for astronomical data. """

import pickle
import gc
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn import metrics
from pandas import DataFrame, MultiIndex
from IPython.display import display
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.svm import SVC, LinearSVC
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedShuffleSplit
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.utils import shuffle

from .photometry import optimise_sdss_features
from .performance import balanced_accuracy_expected
from .preprocessing import balanced_train_test_split
from .viz import (plot_validation_accuracy_heatmap, reshape_grid_socres, plot_hex_map,

[docs]def train_classifier(data, feature_names, class_name, train_size, test_size, output='', random_state=None, coords=True, recall_maps=True, classifier=None, correct_baseline=None, balanced=True, returns=['correct_boolean', 'confusion_test'], report=True, pickle_path=None, fig_dir=''): """ Standard classifier routine. Parameters ---------- data : DataFrame The DataFrame containing all the data. feature_names : array A list of column names in data that are used as features. class_name : str The column name of the target. train_size : int The size of the training set. test_size : int The size of the test set. output : str The name that will be attached to the path of the saved plots. random_state : int The value of the random state (used for reproducibility). coords : bool Whehter coordinates are part of the features. recall_maps : bool Wheter to make a map of recall scores. classifier : Classifier object An initialised scikit-learn Classifier object. correct_baseline : array If we want to compare our results to some baseline, supply the default predicted data here. balanced : bool Whether to make the training and test set balanced. returns : array The list of variables to be retuned by the function. report : bool Whether to print out the classification report. pickle_path : str If a pickle path is supplied, the classifier will be saved in the specified location. Returns ------- correct_boolean : array The boolean array indicating which test exmaples were correctly predicted. confusion_test : array The confusion matrix on the test examples. """ if balanced: X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = balanced_train_test_split( data[feature_names], data[class_name], train_size=train_size, test_size=test_size, random_state=random_state) else: X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(np.array(data[feature_names]), np.array(data[class_name]), train_size=train_size, test_size=test_size, random_state=random_state) if not classifier: classifier = RandomForestClassifier( n_estimators=300, n_jobs=-1, class_weight='subsample', random_state=random_state) coords_test = None if coords: coords_train = X_train[:, 0:2] coords_test = X_test[:, 0:2] X_train = X_train[:, 2:] X_test = X_test[:, 2:] correct_boolean, confusion_test = print_classification_result(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, report, recall_maps, classifier, correct_baseline, coords_test, output, fig_dir) if pickle_path: with open(pickle_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(classifier, f, protocol=4) results = [] if 'classifier' in returns: results.append(classifier) if 'correct_boolean' in returns: results.append(correct_boolean) if 'confusion_test' in returns: results.append(confusion_test) return results
[docs]def learning_curve(classifier, X, y, cv, sample_sizes, degree=1, pickle_path=None, verbose=True): """ Learning curve """ learning_curves = [] for i, (train_index, test_index) in enumerate(cv): X_train = X[train_index] X_test = X[test_index] y_train = y[train_index] y_test = y[test_index] if degree > 1: poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree=degree, interaction_only=False, include_bias=True) X_train = poly.fit_transform(X_train) X_test = poly.transform(X_test) lc = [] for sample in sample_sizes:[:sample], y_train[:sample]) # apply classifier on test set y_pred = classifier.predict(X_test) confusion = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred) lc.append(balanced_accuracy_expected(confusion)) learning_curves.append(lc) if verbose: print(i, end=' ') # pickle learning curve if pickle_path: with open(pickle_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(learning_curves, f, protocol=4) if verbose: print()
def learning_curve_old(data, feature_cols, target_col, classifier, train_sizes, test_sizes=200000, random_state=None, balanced=True, normalise=True, degree=1, pickle_path=None): """ Compute the learning curve of a classiifer. Parameters ---------- data : DataFrame The DataFrame containing all the data. feature_cols : array A list of column names in data that are used as features. target_col : str The column name of the target. classifier : Classifier object A classifier object that will be used to train and test the data. It should have the same interface as scikit-learn classifiers. train_sizes : array The list of the sample sizes that the classifier will be trained on. test_sizes : int or list of ints The sizes of the test set. random_state : int The value of the Random State (used for reproducibility). normalise : boolean Whether we should first normalise the data to zero mean and unit variance. degree : int If greater than 1, the data will first be polynomially transformed with the given degree. pickle_path : str The path where the values of the learning curve will be saved. Returns ------- lc_accuracy_test : array The list of balanced accuracy scores for the given sample sizes. """ lc_accuracy_test = [] if type(test_sizes) is int: test_sizes = [test_sizes] * len(train_sizes) for i, j in zip(train_sizes, test_sizes): gc.collect() # split data into test set and training set if balanced: X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = balanced_train_test_split( data[feature_names], data[class_name], train_size=i, test_size=j, random_state=random_state) else: X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(np.array(data[feature_cols]), np.array(data[target_col]), train_size=i, test_size=j, random_state=random_state) X_train, y_train = shuffle(X_train, y_train, random_state=random_state*2) X_test, y_test = shuffle(X_test, y_test, random_state=random_state*3) if normalise: scaler = StandardScaler() X_train = scaler.fit_transform(X_train) X_test = scaler.transform(X_test) if degree > 1: poly_features = PolynomialFeatures(degree=degree, interaction_only=False, include_bias=True) X_train = poly_features.fit_transform(X_train) X_test = poly_features.transform(X_test) # train the classifier, y_train) # apply classifier on test set y_pred_test = classifier.predict(X_test) confusion_test = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred_test) lc_accuracy_test.append(balanced_accuracy_expected(confusion_test)) # pickle learning curve if pickle_path: with open(pickle_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(lc_accuracy_test, f, protocol=4) return lc_accuracy_test
[docs]def compute_all_learning_curves(data, feature_cols, target_col): """ Compute the learning curves with the most popular classifiers. Parameters ---------- data : DataFrame The DataFrame containing all the features and target. feature_cols : array The list of column names of the features. target_col: array The name of the target column in the DataFrame. """ # define the range of the sample sizes sample_sizes = np.concatenate((np.arange(100, 1000, 100), np.arange(1000, 10000, 1000), np.arange(10000, 100001, 10000), [200000, 300000])) # initialise the classifiers svm_rbf = SVC(kernel='rbf', gamma=0.01, C=100, cache_size=2000) svm_sigmoid = SVC(kernel='sigmoid', gamma=0.001, C=1000, cache_size=2000) svm_poly = LinearSVC(C=0.1, loss='squared_hinge', penalty='l1', dual=False, multi_class='ovr', fit_intercept=True, random_state=21) logistic = LogisticRegression(penalty='l1', dual=False, C=1, multi_class='ovr', solver='liblinear', random_state=21) forest = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, n_jobs=-1, class_weight='auto', random_state=21) # train SVM with RBF kernel (this will take a few hours) lc_svm_rbf = learning_curve(data, feature_cols, target_col, svm_rbf, sample_sizes, random_state=2, normalise=True, pickle_path='pickle/04_learning_curves/lc_svm_rbf.pickle') # train SVM with polynomial kernel of degree 2 lc_svm_poly_2 = learning_curve(data, feature_cols, target_col, svm_poly, sample_sizes, degree=2, random_state=2, normalise=True, pickle_path='pickle/04_learning_curves/lc_svm_poly_2.pickle') # train SVM with polynomial kernel of degree 3 lc_svm_poly_3 = learning_curve(data, feature_cols, target_col, svm_poly, sample_sizes, degree=3, random_state=2, normalise=True, pickle_path='pickle/04_learning_curves/lc_svm_poly_3.pickle') # train logistic regression with polynomial kernel of degree 2 lc_logistic_2 = learning_curve(data, feature_cols, target_col, logistic, sample_sizes, degree=2, random_state=2, normalise=True, pickle_path='pickle/04_learning_curves/lc_logistic_2.pickle') # train logistic regression with polynomial kernel of degree 3 lc_logistic_3 = learning_curve(data, feature_cols, target_col, logistic, sample_sizes, degree=3, random_state=2, normalise=True, pickle_path='pickle/04_learning_curves/lc_logistic_3.pickle') # train a random forest lc_forest = learning_curve(data, feature_cols, target_col, forest, sample_sizes, random_state=2, normalise=True, pickle_path='pickle/04_learning_curves/lc_forest.pickle')
[docs]def grid_search_svm_rbf(X, y, train_size=300, test_size=300, fig_path=None, C_range=np.logspace(-2, 10, 13), gamma_range=np.logspace(-9, 3, 13), pickle_path=None): """ Do a grid search on SVM wih an RBF kernel. Parameters ---------- X : array The feature matrix of the data. y : array The target column. train_size : int The size of the training set in each iteration. test_size : int The size of the test set in each iteration. fig_path : str The path where the heat map plot can be saved. pickle_path : str The path where the pickled scores can be saved. """ # define search domain param_grid_svm = dict(gamma=gamma_range, C=C_range) # run grid search classifier = SVC(kernel='rbf') grid = grid_search(X, y, classifier, param_grid_svm, train_size=train_size, test_size=test_size, clf_name='SVM RBF') scores = reshape_grid_socres(grid.grid_scores_, len(C_range), len(gamma_range)) # pickle scores if pickle_path: with open(pickle_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(scores, f, protocol=4)
[docs]def grid_search_svm_sigmoid(X, y, train_size=300, test_size=300, fig_path=None, pickle_path=None): """ Do a grid search on SVM wih a sigmoid kernel. Parameters ---------- X : array The feature matrix of the data. y : array The target column. train_size : int The size of the training set in each iteration. test_size : int The size of the test set in each iteration. fig_path : str The path where the heat map plot can be saved. pickle_path : str The path where the pickled scores can be saved. """ # define search domain C_range = np.logspace(-2, 10, 13) gamma_range = np.logspace(-9, 3, 13) param_grid_svm = dict(gamma=gamma_range, C=C_range) # run grid search classifier = SVC(kernel='sigmoid') grid = grid_search(X, y, classifier, param_grid_svm, train_size=train_size, test_size=test_size, clf_name='SVM Sigmoid') scores = reshape_grid_socres(grid.grid_scores_, len(C_range), len(gamma_range)) # plot scores in a heat map fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) ax = plot_validation_accuracy_heatmap(scores, x_range=gamma_range, y_range=C_range, y_label='$C$', x_label='$\gamma$', power10='both') if fig_path: fig.savefig(fig_path, bbox_inches='tight') # pickle scores if pickle_path: with open(pickle_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(scores, f, protocol=4)
[docs]def grid_search_svm_poly_degree(X, y, param_grid, degree=2, train_size=300, test_size=300): """ Do a grid search on a Linear SVM given the specified polynomial transformation. Parameters ---------- X : array The feature matrix of the data. y : array The target column. param_grid : dict Dictionary containing the names of the hyperparameters and their associated values which the classifier will be trained with. train_size : int The size of the training set in each iteration. test_size : int The size of the test set in each iteration. Returns ------- scores_flat : array List of scores of all possible cominbations of the hyperparameters. """ # transform features to polynomial space poly_features = PolynomialFeatures(degree=degree, interaction_only=False, include_bias=True) X_poly = poly_features.fit_transform(X) # run grid search on various combinations classifier = LinearSVC(dual=False, fit_intercept=True, multi_class='ovr', loss='squared_hinge', penalty='l1', random_state=13) grid1 = grid_search(X_poly, y, classifier, param_grid, train_size=train_size, test_size=test_size, report=False) classifier = LinearSVC(dual=False, fit_intercept=True, multi_class='ovr', loss='squared_hinge', penalty='l2', random_state=13) grid2 = grid_search(X_poly, y, classifier, param_grid, train_size=train_size, test_size=test_size, report=False) classifier = LinearSVC(dual=True, fit_intercept=True, multi_class='ovr', loss='hinge', penalty='l2', random_state=13) grid3 = grid_search(X_poly, y, classifier, param_grid, train_size=train_size, test_size=test_size, report=False) classifier = LinearSVC(fit_intercept=True, multi_class='crammer_singer', random_state=13) grid4 = grid_search(X_poly, y, classifier, param_grid, train_size=train_size, test_size=test_size, report=False) # construct the scores scores_flat = grid1.grid_scores_ + grid2.grid_scores_ + grid3.grid_scores_ + grid4.grid_scores_ return scores_flat
[docs]def grid_search_svm_poly(X, y, train_size=300, test_size=300, fig_path=None, pickle_path=None): """ Do a grid search on SVM with polynomial transformation of the features. Parameters ---------- X : array The feature matrix of the data. y : array The target column. train_size : int The size of the training set in each iteration. test_size : int The size of the test set in each iteration. fig_path : str The path where the heat map plot can be saved. pickle_path : str The path where the pickled scores can be saved. """ # define search domain C_range = np.logspace(-6, 6, 13) param_grid = dict(C=C_range) scores_1 = grid_search_svm_poly_degree( X, y, param_grid, degree=1, train_size=train_size, test_size=test_size) scores_2 = grid_search_svm_poly_degree( X, y, param_grid, degree=2, train_size=train_size, test_size=test_size) scores_3 = grid_search_svm_poly_degree( X, y, param_grid, degree=3, train_size=train_size, test_size=test_size) scores = scores_1 + scores_2 + scores_3 scores = reshape_grid_socres(scores, 12, len(C_range)) if fig_path: ylabels = ['Degree 1, OVR, Squared Hinge, L1-norm', 'Degree 1, OVR, Squared Hinge, L2-norm', 'Degree 1, OVR, Hinge, L2-norm', 'Degree 1, Crammer-Singer', 'Degree 2, OVR, Squared Hinge, L1-norm', 'Degree 2, OVR, Squared Hinge, L2-norm', 'Degree 2, OVR, Hinge, L2-norm', 'Degree 2, Crammer-Singer', 'Degree 3, OVR, Squared Hinge, L1-norm', 'Degree 3, OVR, Squared Hinge, L2-norm', 'Degree 3, OVR, Hinge, L2-norm', 'Degree 3, Crammer-Singer'] # plot scores on heat map fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) ax = plot_validation_accuracy_heatmap(scores, x_range=C_range, x_label='$C$', power10='x') plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 12), ylabels) fig.savefig(fig_path, bbox_inches='tight') # pickle scores if pickle_path: with open(pickle_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(scores, f, protocol=4)
[docs]def grid_search_logistic_degree(X, y, param_grid, degree=2, train_size=300, test_size=300): """ Do a grid search on Logistic Regression given the specified polynomial transformation. Parameters ---------- X : array The feature matrix of the data. y : array The target column. param_grid : dict Dictionary containing the names of the hyperparameters and their associated values which the classifier will be trained with. train_size : int The size of the training set in each iteration. test_size : int The size of the test set in each iteration. Returns ------- scores_flat : array List of scores of all possible cominbations of the hyperparameters. """ # transform features to polynomial space poly_features = PolynomialFeatures(degree=degree, interaction_only=False, include_bias=True) X_poly = poly_features.fit_transform(X) # run grid search classifier = LogisticRegression(fit_intercept=True, dual=False, solver='liblinear', multi_class='ovr', penalty='l1', random_state=51) grid1 = grid_search(X_poly, y, classifier, param_grid, report=False) classifier = LogisticRegression(fit_intercept=True, dual=False, solver='liblinear', multi_class='ovr', penalty='l2', random_state=51) grid2 = grid_search(X_poly, y, classifier, param_grid, report=False) classifier = LogisticRegression(fit_intercept=True, dual=False, solver='lbfgs', multi_class='multinomial', penalty='l2', random_state=51) grid3 = grid_search(X_poly, y, classifier, param_grid, report=False) # construct the scores scores_flat = grid1.grid_scores_ + grid2.grid_scores_ + grid3.grid_scores_ return scores_flat
[docs]def grid_search_logistic(X, y, train_size=300, test_size=300, fig_path=None, pickle_path=None): """ Do a grid search on Logistic Regression. Parameters ---------- X : array The feature matrix of the data. y : array The target column. train_size : int The size of the training set in each iteration. test_size : int The size of the test set in each iteration. fig_path : str The path where the heat map plot can be saved. pickle_path : str The path where the pickled scores can be saved. """ # define search domain C_range = np.logspace(-6, 6, 13) param_grid = dict(C=C_range) scores_1 = grid_search_logistic_degree( X, y, param_grid, degree=1, train_size=train_size, test_size=test_size) scores_2 = grid_search_logistic_degree( X, y, param_grid, degree=2, train_size=train_size, test_size=test_size) scores_3 = grid_search_logistic_degree( X, y, param_grid, degree=3, train_size=train_size, test_size=test_size) scores = scores_1 + scores_2 + scores_3 scores = reshape_grid_socres(scores, 9, len(C_range)) if fig_path: ylabels = ['Degree 1, OVR, L1-norm', 'Degree 1, OVR, L2-norm', 'Degree 1, Multinomial, L2-norm', 'Degree 2, OVR, L1-norm', 'Degree 2, OVR, L2-norm', 'Degree 2, Multinomial, L2-norm', 'Degree 3, OVR, L1-norm', 'Degree 3, OVR, L2-norm', 'Degree 3, Multinomial, L2-norm'] # plot scores on heat map fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) ax = plot_validation_accuracy_heatmap(scores, x_range=C_range, x_label='$C$', power10='x') plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 9), ylabels) fig.savefig(fig_path, bbox_inches='tight') # pickle scores if pickle_path: with open(pickle_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(scores, f, protocol=4)
[docs]def predict_unlabelled_objects(file_path, table, classifier, data_cols, feature_cols, chunksize, pickle_paths, scaler_path, verbose=True): """ Predict the classes of unlabelled objects given a classifier. Parameters ---------- file_path : str The path of the HDF5 table that contains the feature matrix. """ sdss_chunks = pd.read_hdf(file_path, table, columns=data_cols, chunksize=chunksize) galaxy_map = np.zeros((3600, 3600), dtype=int) quasar_map = np.zeros((3600, 3600), dtype=int) star_map = np.zeros((3600, 3600), dtype=int) object_maps = [galaxy_map, quasar_map, star_map] for i, chunk in enumerate(sdss_chunks): # apply reddening correction and compute key colours optimise_sdss_features(chunk, scaler_path) chunk['prediction'] = classifier.predict(chunk[feature_cols]) chunk['ra'] = np.remainder(np.round(chunk['ra'] * 10) + 3600, 3600) chunk['dec'] = np.remainder(np.round(chunk['dec'] * 10) + 3600, 3600) for index, row in chunk.iterrows(): if row['prediction'] == 'Galaxy': galaxy_map[row['ra']][row['dec']] += 1 elif row['prediction'] == 'Quasar': quasar_map[row['ra']][row['dec']] += 1 elif row['prediction'] == 'Star': star_map[row['ra']][row['dec']] += 1 else: print('Invalid prediction.') current_line = i * chunksize if verbose and current_line % 1000000 == 0: print(current_line // 1000000, end=' ') if verbose: print() # save our predictions for object_map, pickle_path in zip(object_maps, pickle_paths): with open(pickle_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(object_map, f, protocol=4)
def map_unlabelled_objects(galaxy_map, quasar_map, star_map, fig_paths): """ """ # print out results whole_map = galaxy_map + star_map + quasar_map total_galaxies = np.sum(galaxy_map) total_quasars = np.sum(quasar_map) total_stars = np.sum(star_map) total = np.sum(whole_map) print('Total number of objects:', total) print('Number of predicted as galaxies: {:,} ({:.1%})'.format(total_galaxies, total_galaxies/total)) print('Number of predicted as quasars: {:,} ({:.1%})'.format(total_quasars, total_quasars/total)) print('Number of predicted as stars: {:,} ({:.1%})'.format(total_stars, total_stars/total)) # construct ra-dec coordinates ra = np.arange(0, 360, 0.1) dec = np.arange(0, 360, 0.1) decs, ras = np.meshgrid(dec, ra) decs = decs.flatten() ras = ras.flatten() # plot prediction on ra-dec maps object_maps = [whole_map, galaxy_map, quasar_map, star_map] for obj_map, fig_path in zip(object_maps, fig_paths): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) ax = plot_hex_map(ras, decs, C=obj_map.flatten(), gridsize=360, reduce_C_function=np.sum, vmin=0, vmax=50000, origin=180, milky_way=True) fig.savefig(fig_path, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300)