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Source code for mclearn.performance

""" Various measures that evaluate the performance of a classifier. """

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import beta
from scipy.integrate import trapz
from scipy.optimize import brentq
from pandas import DataFrame
from sklearn import metrics

[docs]def naive_accuracy(confusion): """ Compute the naive accuracy rate. Parameters ---------- confusion : array, shape = [n_classes, n_classes] Where entry c_{ij} is the number of observations in class i but are classified as class j. Returns ------- naive_accuracy : float """ return p.trace(confusion) / np.sum(confusion)
[docs]def get_beta_parameters(confusion): """ Extract the beta parameters from a confusion matrix. Parameters ---------- confusion : array, shape = [n_classes, n_classes] Where entry c_{ij} is the number of observations in class i but are classified as class j. Returns ------- parameters: array of tuples Each tuple (alpha_i, beta_i) is the parameters of a Beta distribution that corresponds to class i. """ alphas, betas = [], [] # number of classes k = len(confusion) for i in range(k): # alpha is 1 plus the number of objects that are correctly classified alphas.append(1 + confusion[i, i]) # beta is 1 plus the number of objects that are incorrectly classified betas.append(1 + confusion.sum(axis=1)[i] - confusion[i, i]) return list(zip(alphas, betas))
[docs]def convolve_betas(parameters, res=0.001): """ Convolves k Beta distributions. Parameters ---------- parameters : array of tuples Each tuple (alpha_i, beta_i) is the parameters of a Beta distribution. res : float, optional (default=0.001) The precision of the resulting convolution, measured as step size in the support. Returns ------- convolution : array, shape = [k / res] The resulting convultion of the k Beta distributions, given the specified presicion `res`. """ # number of convolution k = len(parameters) # sum of three probabilities ranges from 0 to k x = np.arange(0, k+res, res) # compute the individual beta pdfs pdfs = [] for par in parameters: pdfs.append(beta.pdf(x, par[0], par[1])) # convolve k times convolution = pdfs[0] for i in range(1, k): convolution = np.convolve(convolution, pdfs[i]) # reduce to the [0, k] support convolution = convolution[0:len(x)] # normalise so that all values sum to (1 / res) convolution = convolution / (sum(convolution) * res) return convolution
[docs]def balanced_accuracy_expected(confusion): """ Compute the expected value of the posterior balanced accuracy. Parameters ---------- confusion : array, shape = [n_classes, n_classes] Where entry c_{ij} is the number of observations in class i but are classified as class j. Returns ------- bal_accuracy_expected: float """ # number of classes k = len(confusion) # extract beta distribution parameters from the confusion matrix parameters = get_beta_parameters(confusion) # convolve the distributions and compute the expected value k = len(confusion) res = 0.001 x = np.arange(0, k + res, res) bal_accuracy = convolve_betas(parameters, res) bal_accuracy_expected = (1/k) *, bal_accuracy * res) return bal_accuracy_expected
[docs]def beta_sum_pdf(x, parameters, res=0.001): """ Compute the pdf of the sum of beta distributions. Parameters ---------- x : array A subset of the domain where we want evaluate the pdf. parameters : array of tuples Each tuple (alpha_i, beta_i) is the parameters of a Beta distribution. res : float, optional (default=0.001) The precision of the convolution, measured as step size in the support. Returns ------- y : array The pdf evaulated at x. """ convolution = convolve_betas(parameters, res) # convert x into a numpy array if it's not already x = np.array(x) # initialise the y vector y = np.array([np.nan] * len(x)) # upper bound of support k = len(parameters) # set y to 0 if we're outside support y[(x < 0) | (x > k)] = 0 # index in convolution vector that is closest to x c_index = np.int_(x / res) # fill in y vector y[np.isnan(y)] = convolution[c_index[np.isnan(y)]] return y
[docs]def beta_avg_pdf(x, parameters, res=0.001): """ Compute the pdf of the average of the k beta distributions. Parameters ---------- x : array A subset of the domain where we want evaluate the pdf. parameters : array of tuples Each tuple (alpha_i, beta_i) is the parameters of a Beta distribution. res : float, optional (default=0.001) The precision of the convolution, measured as step size in the support. Returns ------- y : array The pdf evaulated at x. """ k = len(parameters) y = beta_sum_pdf(k * np.array(x), parameters, res) y = y * k return y
[docs]def beta_sum_cdf(x, parameters, res=0.001): """ Compute the cdf of the sum of the k beta distributions. Parameters ---------- x : array A subset of the domain where we want evaluate the cdf. parameters : array of tuples Each tuple (alpha_i, beta_i) is the parameters of a Beta distribution. res : float, optional (default=0.001) The precision of the convolution, measured as step size in the support. Returns ------- y : array The cdf evaulated at x. """ convolution = convolve_betas(parameters, res) y = np.array([np.nan] * len(x)) for i in range(len(x)): c_index = int(round(x[i] / res)) if c_index <= 0: y[i] = 0 elif c_index >= len(convolution): y[i] = 1 else: y[i] = trapz(convolution[:c_index+1], dx=res) return y
def beta_avg_cdf(x, parameters, res=0.001): """ Compute the cdf of the average of the k beta distributions. Parameters ---------- x : array A subset of the domain where we want evaluate the cdf. parameters : array of tuples Each tuple (alpha_i, beta_i) is the parameters of a Beta distribution. res : float, optional (default=0.001) The precision of the convolution, measured as step size in the support. Returns ------- y : array The cdf evaulated at x. """ x = np.array(x) k = len(parameters) y = beta_sum_cdf(k * x, parameters, res) return y
[docs]def beta_avg_inv_cdf(y, parameters, res=0.001): """ Compute the inverse cdf of the average of the k beta distributions. Parameters ---------- y : float A float between 0 and 1 (the range of the cdf) parameters : array of tuples Each tuple (alpha_i, beta_i) is the parameters of a Beta distribution. res : float, optional (default=0.001) The precision of the convolution, measured as step size in the support. Returns ------- x : float the inverse cdf of y """ return brentq(lambda x: beta_avg_cdf([x], parameters, res)[0] - y, 0, 1)
[docs]def recall(confusion): """ Compute the recall from a confusion matrix. Parameters ---------- confusion : array, shape = [n_classes, n_classes] Where entry c_{ij} is the number of observations in class i but are classified as class j. Returns ------- recalls : array A list of recalls, one for each class. """ # number of classes k = len(confusion) # extract recall from confusion matrix recalls = [] for i in range(k): recalls.append(confusion[i, i] / confusion.sum(axis=1)[i]) return recalls
[docs]def precision(confusion, classes, classifiers): """ Compute the precision from a confusion matrix. Parameters ---------- confusion : array, shape = [n_classes, n_classes] Where entry c_{ij} is the number of observations in class i but are classified as class j. Returns ------- precisions : array A list of precisions, one for each class. """ # number of classes k = len(confusion) # extract recall from confusion matrix precisions = [] for i in range(k): precisions.append(confusion[i, i] / confusion.sum(axis=0)[i]) return precisions
def mpba_score(classifier, testing_pool, testing_oracle): """ Compute the accuracy of a classifier based on some test set. Parameters ---------- classifier : Classifier object A trained instance of the Classifier object. testing_pool : array The feature matrix of the test examples. testing_oracle : array The target vector of the test examples. Returns ------- balanced_accuracy_expected : float The expected balanced accuracy rate on the test set. """ y_pred = classifier.predict(testing_pool) confusion_test = metrics.confusion_matrix(testing_oracle, y_pred) return balanced_accuracy_expected(confusion_test) def micro_f1_score(clf, X_test, y_test): y_pred = clf.predict(X_test) average = 'binary' if len(np.unique(y_test)) == 2 else 'micro' return metrics.f1_score(y_test, y_pred, average=average)