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Source code for mclearn.photometry

""" Procedures specific to photometric data. """

import os
import numpy as np
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from .tools import load_results

[docs]def reddening_correction_sfd98(extinction_r): """ Compute the reddening values using the SFD98 correction set. Parameters ---------- extinction_r : array The uncorrected extinction values in the r-band. Returns ------- A_u : array The corrected extinction values in the u-band. A_g : array The corrected extinction values in the g-band. A_r : array The corrected extinction values in the r-band. A_i : array The corrected extinction values in the i-band. A_z : array The corrected extinction values in the z-band. """ E_BV = extinction_r / 2.751 A_u = E_BV * 5.155 A_g = E_BV * 3.793 A_r = E_BV * 2.751 A_i = E_BV * 2.086 A_z = E_BV * 1.479 return (A_u, A_g, A_r, A_i, A_z)
[docs]def reddening_correction_sf11(extinction_r): """ Compute the reddening values using the SF11 correction set. Parameters ---------- extinction_r : array The uncorrected extinction values in the r-band. Returns ------- A_u : array The corrected extinction values in the u-band. A_g : array The corrected extinction values in the g-band. A_r : array The corrected extinction values in the r-band. A_i : array The corrected extinction values in the i-band. A_z : array The corrected extinction values in the z-band. """ E_BV = extinction_r / 2.751 A_u = E_BV * 4.239 A_g = E_BV * 3.303 A_r = E_BV * 2.285 A_i = E_BV * 1.698 A_z = E_BV * 1.263 return (A_u, A_g, A_r, A_i, A_z)
[docs]def reddening_correction_w14(extinction_r): """ Compute the reddening values using the W14 correction set. Parameters ---------- extinction_r : array The uncorrected extinction values in the r-band. Returns ------- A_u : array The corrected extinction values in the u-band. A_g : array The corrected extinction values in the g-band. A_r : array The corrected extinction values in the r-band. A_i : array The corrected extinction values in the i-band. A_z : array The corrected extinction values in the z-band. """ E_BV = extinction_r / 2.751 region_2 = np.logical_and(E_BV >= 0.04, E_BV < 0.08) region_3 = E_BV >= 0.08 E_BV[region_2] = E_BV[region_2] + 0.5 * (E_BV[region_2] - 0.04) E_BV[region_3] = E_BV[region_3] + 0.02 A_u = E_BV * 4.305 A_g = E_BV * 3.288 A_r = E_BV * 2.261 A_i = E_BV * 1.714 A_z = E_BV * 1.263 return (A_u, A_g, A_r, A_i, A_z)
[docs]def correct_magnitudes(data, magnitudes, corrections, suffix): """ Correct the values of magntidues given a correction set. Parameters ---------- data : DataFrame The DataFrame containing the magnitudes. magnitudes : array The column names of the magnitudes. corrections : array The set of correction values in the same order as `magnitudes`. """ for mag, cor in zip(magnitudes, corrections): data[mag + suffix] = data[mag] - cor
[docs]def compute_colours(data, colours, suffix): """ Compute specified combinations of colours. Parameters ---------- data : DataFrame The DataFrame containing the magnitudes. colours : array The list of colour combinations to be computed. suffix : array A suffix is added to the colour name to distinguish between correction sets. """ for colour in colours: prefix = 'psf' if colour[0].startswith('psf') else 'petro' colour_name = prefix + colour[0][-2:] + colour[1][-2:] data[colour_name + suffix] = data[colour[0] + suffix] - data[colour[1] + suffix]
[docs]def fetch_sloan_data(sql, output, url=None, fmt='csv', verbose=True): """ Run an SQL query on the Sloan Sky Server. Parameters ---------- sql : str The sql query. output : str The path where the queried data will be stored. url : str The url that will be used for fetching. fmt : str The format of the output, one of 'csv', 'xml', 'html'. """ assert fmt in ['csv','xml','html'], "Wrong format!" if not url: url = '' # filter out the comments in the sql query fsql = '' for line in sql.split('\n'): fsql += line.split('--')[0] + ' ' + os.linesep # make the sql query if verbose: print('Connecting to the server...') params = urlencode({'cmd': fsql, 'format': fmt}) query = urlopen(url + '?{}'.format(params)) # ignore the first line (the name of table) query.readline() if verbose: print('Writing to file...') with open(output, 'wb') as f: f.write( if verbose: print('Success!')
[docs]def fetch_filter(filter, download_url, filter_dir=''): """ Get a filter from the internet. Parameters ---------- filter : char Name of the filters. Must be one of u, g, r, i, and z. download_url : str The URL where the filter can be downloaded. Returns ------- data : array The downloaded filter data. """ assert filter in 'ugriz' url = download_url % filter if not os.path.exists(filter_dir): os.makedirs(filter_dir) loc = os.path.join(filter_dir, '%s.dat' % filter) if not os.path.exists(loc): filter_file = urlopen(url) with open(loc, 'wb') as f: f.write( with open(loc, 'rb') as f: data = np.loadtxt(f) return data
[docs]def fetch_spectrum(spectrum_url, spectra_dir=''): """ Get a spectrum from the internet. Parameters ---------- spectrum_url : str The URL where the spectrum can be downloaded. Returns ------- data : array The downloaded spectrum data. """ if not os.path.exists(spectra_dir): os.makedirs(spectra_dir) refspec_file = os.path.join(spectra_dir, spectrum_url.split('/')[-1]) if not os.path.exists(refspec_file): spectrum_file = urlopen(spectrum_url) with open(refspec_file, 'wb') as f: f.write( with open(refspec_file, 'rb') as f: data = np.loadtxt(f) return data
[docs]def clean_up_subclasses(classes, subclasses): """ Clean up the names of the subclasses in the SDSS dataset. Parameters ---------- classes : array The array containing the classes. This will be prepended to the sublcasses. subclasses : array The array containing the subclasses. """ # remove null references subclasses.replace('null', '', inplace=True) # remove HD catalog number (stored in brackets) subclasses.replace(r'\s*\(\d+\)\s*', '', regex=True, inplace=True) # captialise only the first leter of some subclasses subclasses.replace('BROADLINE', 'Broadline', inplace=True) subclasses.replace('STARFORMING', 'Starforming', inplace=True) subclasses.replace('STARBURST', 'Starburst', inplace=True) subclasses.replace('STARBURST BROADLINE', 'Starburst Broadline', inplace=True) subclasses.replace('AGN BROADLINE', 'AGN Broadline', inplace=True) subclasses.replace('STARFORMING BROADLINE', 'Starforming Broadline', inplace=True) # remove other brackets subclasses.replace('F8V (G_243-63)', 'F8V', inplace=True) subclasses.replace('K5 (G_19-24)', 'K5', inplace=True) subclasses.replace('sd:F0 (G_84-29)', 'sd:F0', inplace=True) subclasses.replace('G0 (G_101-29)', 'G0', inplace=True) subclasses.replace('A4 (G_165-39)', 'A4', inplace=True) subclasses.replace('A4p (G_37-26)', 'A4p', inplace=True) not_empty = subclasses != '' subclasses.loc[not_empty] = classes[not_empty] + ' ' + subclasses[not_empty]
def optimise_sdss_features(sdss, scaler_path): """ Apply the W14 reddening correction and compute key colours in the SDSS dataset. Parameters ---------- sdss : DataFrame The DataFrame containing photometric features. """ # compute the three sets of reddening correction A_u_w14, A_g_w14, A_r_w14, A_i_w14, A_z_w14 = reddening_correction_w14(sdss['extinction_r']) # useful variables psf_magnitudes = ['psfMag_u', 'psfMag_g', 'psfMag_r', 'psfMag_i', 'psfMag_z'] petro_magnitudes = ['petroMag_u', 'petroMag_g', 'petroMag_r', 'petroMag_i', 'petroMag_z'] w14_corrections = [A_u_w14, A_g_w14, A_r_w14, A_i_w14, A_z_w14] colours = [('psfMag_u', 'psfMag_g'), ('psfMag_g', 'psfMag_r'), ('psfMag_r', 'psfMag_i'), ('psfMag_i', 'psfMag_z'), ('petroMag_u', 'petroMag_g'), ('petroMag_g', 'petroMag_r'), ('petroMag_r', 'petroMag_i'), ('petroMag_i', 'petroMag_z')] # calculate the corrected magnitudes correct_magnitudes(sdss, psf_magnitudes, w14_corrections, '_w14') correct_magnitudes(sdss, petro_magnitudes, w14_corrections, '_w14') # calculate the corrected magnitudes compute_colours(sdss, colours, '_w14') # scale features w14_feature_cols = ['psfMag_r_w14', 'psf_u_g_w14', 'psf_g_r_w14', 'psf_r_i_w14', 'psf_i_z_w14', 'petroMag_r_w14', 'petro_u_g_w14', 'petro_g_r_w14', 'petro_r_i_w14', 'petro_i_z_w14', 'petroRad_r'] scaler = load_results(scaler_path) sdss[w14_feature_cols] = scaler.transform(sdss[w14_feature_cols])